However, sometimes events transpire which makes it impossible not to notice these strays. This is what happened with one particular stray German shepherd, whose actions captured the fascination and imagination of many.
Lost in the Crowd

Though this may be a common occurrence in many large cities, people will soon find out the shocking truth about their canine neighbor, as this seemingly invisible German shepherd would stun everyone!
Invisible to Most

To an average observer or tourist, the dog was seemingly just roaming around the many maze-like streets in the city, much like any other street dog. However, to Emil, a 35-year-old local man, the actions of this particular stray was highly unusual.
The Monday Routine

That Monday morning, he was going through his regular routine, however, before the streets were flooded with commuters and tourists, he noticed a brown and black shape standing a little way down the street. It would not have been anything out of the ordinary, except for the fact that the dog seemed to be sitting oddly on one leg, right in the middle of the street.
Unbeknownst to him, this curious observation would lead towards a lifechanging experience.
Friendship at First Sight

Despite being a street dog, he was quite receptive to pets on the head and seemed to quite enjoy the affection. But even though he gave a few licks and whines, leaning his head into the pets, he never took his eyes off the grate in the middle of the road, and after a while went back to staring at it, his ears seemingly perking up at a faint echo coming from the grate that one could have just barely made out.
This fascinated Emil and he took a picture to share on social media. But the comments that poured in stunned him.
Hints and Theories

Emil was advised to call local shelters to find out more and perhaps even find the owner. But before doing so, he posted the pictures on public Facebook groups, asking anyone if anyone had a missing pet, or knew who the dog belonged to.
Motivation for a Mystery

In between his work, making calls and reading through hundreds of articles he regularly visited the dog down the street to pet him and give him slices of smoked sausage and pieces of ham sandwich. They were taken with gusto however Emil always noted that as soon as the dog finished eating, he went straight back to looking at the jet-black space beneath the metal, keeping a keen eye and ear out for both sights and sounds.
Gathering Fame and Attention

The canine quickly turned from a shade, often unrecognized and unnoticed, to suddenly having one or two visitors a day. The people would often pet and feed the dog, and moreover, they would engage in conversation with Emil, who would share the story and spread the message. However, when asked why the dog looked into the grate, and what the odd sounds were, Emil was always stumped to answer, which made him wonder every time.
The Adored Local Celebrity

But the old dog merely sat silently, watching the grate, while people crowded around speculating amongst each other. Why was he sitting like that? What was the tag on his ear? And most importantly, why was he so intent on staring silently down an empty hole, day after day, and what were the sounds that now many have claimed to hear up and down the street?
However, what happened next shocked not only the visitors, but Emil and everyone following the story.
Commotion in the Distance

The hustle and bustle of the crowds in the middle of the day was nothing new, he had gotten used to it in his work. People shouting, laughing and talking loudly all came with working on a busy street. Even through the past week, he had been slowly getting accustomed to the growing crowds near his Deli. However, this time it was different.
There was a loud and piercing shriek and continuous barking. Emil abandoned his lunch and research and rushed out to see what had everyone so perturbed.
Panic Around the Corner

As he approached, he pushed past the crowds only to see the dog clearly angered for one reason or another. Standing on all fours, with his tail and ears down, and a vicious snarl on his face, the German shepherd was barking madly at the grate as if something had attacked it from below.
Asking around, Emil found out that a woman had tried to look into the grate, even getting down on her hands and knees, which drew the anger of the dog.
The Dog Whisperer

Heading back to the crowd which had now dispersed, he waved the piece of meat in front of the shepherd. The stray soon stopped barking, grabbed the sausage and laid down with his lunch between his paws, peacefully licking, chewing and eating his meal.
However, this got Emil curious. Keeping everything in mind and on his toes, he slowly reached towards the grate. His attempt was met with a sideways growl. A warning, surely. He decided not to push his luck, however the question still remained. What was in the grate that elicited such a violent response from an otherwise peaceful dog?
Calling the Emergency Services

While waiting, Emil stayed to control the situation, explaining the situation to the ever-growing crowd, and keeping everyone away from the German shepherd just in case, as he felt that he had enough of a handle on the dog to prevent any further incident.
However, in that very moment as he was taking his time to calm the crowd, his phone buzzed, receiving a text that would shed light on the whole situation.
Firefighters to the Rescue

He was told to keep back. He took a hold of the stray with the help of some of the emergency workers.
The firefighters quickly got to work bringing out crowbars and other tools to open the sewer grate, as well as a mobile camera that could be used to check what was lurking in the black depths of the drainage pipes.
What’s Under the Grate?

The emergency workers used their cameras to probe the drainage pipes. Although at first, they didn’t seem to find much but small leaves and slime stuck to the sides of the pipes, they soon noticed shifting movement down the drain.
At the same time, Emil received a call directly to his phone from an unknown number. This was when he noticed the message on his phone that shocked him.