A few bills here and there could be easily explained. Maybe it was playing with whatever fell on the floor?
However, when he noticed the feline bringing in a constant stream of literal cash, and not mere pennies, he had to find out where it was coming from. Was this an actual cat burglar?
Another Adoption

Let’s Keep It!
But thanks to a clever loophole within his wife’s rules, he found a way to keep the begging, shivering stray.
She said he couldn’t bring anymore pets home. But she never said anything about keeping them in the office! Stewart welcomed in the new “staff” member, having no idea it would soon be turning a profit.
What’s This?

He came into the office one morning to see a couple of one-dollar bills on the floor near the front glass door.
Someone must have dropped them. He scooped them up, put them on the front desk, and then went about his day. So did the cat – who was very ready to insert himself into their daily duties.
New Employee

Aside from winning the hearts of the entire staff, the little guy loved to nap on desks, peek over monitors, and even walked over keyboards and accidentally sent unfinished emails.
A few days later, he walked in on another collection of dollar bills. The cat napped contently on them right at the entrance. What was going on?!
Getting Weird

Steward kept a close eye on their little mascot. However, nothing out of the ordinary happened.
It didn’t rummage in purses or gnaw at the petty cash box. Day after day the bills would appear, and by the end of the week, they had over $50! It was time to find out the truth behind their unexpected stream of revenue.
Watching Closely

Their office was already on a busy street, so getting permission to install another camera went over just fine.
Stewart set everything up and watched through his monitor. But nothing happened. The cat would nap and wander as usual. It wasn’t until they locked the doors, and everyone left, did he finally see what was going on.
Money Game

The fluffy boy lay at the entrance. A man walked by, grinned, and tapped the glass – trying to get the feline’s attention.
It wasn’t until he pulled out a single dollar and waved it in front of the small gap in the door, did the cat actually show interest. Then an unbelievable, amusing game unfolded.

The man poked the edge of the money through the gap.
The cat, which had been sitting perfectly still, suddenly lunged for the exposed corner, bit it, and pulled it through. Round one? Cat 1, man 0. This happened a couple more times until the man smiled and walked away. But things would only get crazier.
Gaining An Audience

Stewart had no idea how the game had started, neither did the rest of the staff.
Who had first shoved in the money to play with the bored kitty? It didn’t matter – word of the unique interaction had spread. He soon found people would intentionally come to their office to see if they could be more clever than their purring mascot.
Sneaky Kitty

The kitty would sit there, “uninterested” until he saw a chance to get the bill.
Then he would swipe at it and claim his reward. People would giggle and take videos. One day, there was even a lone line of people waiting to take their turn. Soon, the mischievous cat was sitting on a pile of cash. It was then Stewart realized they had a problem.
For A Good Cause

It would be difficult, or nigh impossible, to give back the money.
And it wouldn’t be fair to keep it for themselves. So, their team gathered together and made an important decision. They were going to donate all money made from the cat to homeless and animal shelters. But that wasn’t all.

It was meant as a cute warning “BEWARE: This cat will steal your money and won’t give it back!”
Stewart pulled out their office supplies and made a flashy sign to explain what they would do with the “lost funds.” It also gave them a perfect idea to finally name their sticky-pawed employee.