Much like tattoos, bumper stickers serve as personal expressions—except they’re for your car. They can range from humorous and lighthearted to bold and opinionated, making every drive an opportunity to get a glimpse into someone’s personality. Some people opt for witty remarks, while others prefer messages that ward off tailgaters. And then, of course, there are the truly unique ones that make you wonder what the story behind them might be.
Here’s a look at some bumper stickers that have caught our attention.
.A Divine Reminder
We’re not saying that the universe is keeping score every time you change lanes without signaling… but according to this bumper sticker, someone is. Whether it’s meant as a joke or a genuine plea for road etiquette, it’s certainly a conversation starter.
Small Text, Big Aspirations
Self-promotion is always a good idea, but if you’re advertising your brewery on a bumper sticker, maybe make the website a little bigger? A missed opportunity, perhaps, but at least the enthusiasm is there.
Bacon-Wrapped Decisions
It’s safe to say that most people wouldn’t pass up a bacon-wrapped hot dog. But is it important enough to warrant a bumper sticker? For this driver, the answer is clearly yes.
Mom Said No
We can only assume this sticker was purchased against a mother’s better judgment. “That’s not funny,” she probably said. And yet, here it is, proudly displayed for all to see.
A Niche Fix
A Dave Matthews Band bumper sticker cover-up? This is such a specific need that it feels like a custom order. Either way, someone really wanted to move on from that phase of their life.
Opinions in Motion
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a bumper sticker is often just a handful of words shared with an entire town. Even if no one asked for your opinion, rest assured, it will still be read at a red light.
A Truck’s Identity Crisis
If you’re going to make a bold statement with a bumper sticker, it might as well be useful. But this one raises questions—what happens when this truck isn’t towing an RV? Does it just leave people confused?
A Thought-Provoking Message
Some bumper stickers make you stop and think, even if just for a second. This one makes you go “hmmm” as you realize that, technically, they’re not wrong.
Embracing the Uncool Factor
There’s something admirable about owning up to reality. This driver knows their car isn’t a showstopper, so they’ve decided to lean into it. If you can’t beat the jokes, make them first.
From Free Spirit to Soccer Parent
You once told yourself you’d never be the minivan-driving, post-practice snack-providing parent. And yet, here you are—living that reality, sitting in the parking lot, waiting for practice to end.
Let Havoc Have Its Moment
Why is it that insanity is always something people claim to “suffer” from? And why is havoc only ever “wreaked”? Maybe it’s time to let both of them have their due without interference.
Who’s Driving?
A bumper sticker stating, “Nobody’s Driving” leaves plenty of room for interpretation. Is it a nod to self-driving cars? Or is it just a clever way to mess with people? Either way, it makes you look twice.
Stick Figure Families, With a Twist
These stickers often give a peek into someone’s family life. But in this case, the message is clear: no kids, no problem. A refreshingly honest take on a well-known car decal trend.
Car Love, Taken Seriously
This bumper sticker is basically the car equivalent of putting your significant other as your phone’s lock screen. A bold move, but if you’re going to be committed to your vehicle, why not go all in?
The Unfiltered Truth About Traffic
Sometimes, it takes a bumper sticker to say what everyone else on the freeway is thinking. Running late for work again? Blame the traffic. And if that’s not an option… well, at least there’s a relatable bumper sticker for that.